Author: Troy Sankey

  • Modal Filters

    Modal Filters

    Traffic violence was not a defining issue of Sacramento until cars entered the equation. Modal filters hold the key to re-defining the purpose of neighborhood streets by eliminating through-traffic, supporting local businesses, reversing the suburban experiment, and saving lives.

  • How to make freeway before/after animations

    How to make freeway before/after animations

    Technical instructions for creating a freeway before/after animation for any city

  • Suburbs Drive Sacramento Into Debt

    Suburbs Drive Sacramento Into Debt

    We found that suburbs are a money pit and help drive Sacramento into debt. Meanwhile, zoning reform is in the air…

  • Leckdowns: Nature’s Tracing Paper

    Leckdowns: Nature’s Tracing Paper

    Every fall season, leaves blanket the street, and cars cut paths through them. The remaining patches of leaves effectively “neck down” the street and represent areas that cars do not fully utilize.

  • Sacramento’s Dangerous One-Way Streets

    Sacramento’s Dangerous One-Way Streets

    One-way streets in Sacramento’s central city are loud, harmful, dangerous, unproductive, and prop up the Suburban Experiment.

  • Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 3

    Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 3

    See our Instagram post here! The draft 2040 general plan contains Sacramento’s current state-of-the-art in urban planning and transit-oriented development guidelines. More ambitious than any past general plan, this new plan gives me hope that we can recover long-forgotten methods of building sustainable, walkable, and strong communities which leverage transit as a wealth multiplier. The…

  • Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 2

    Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 2

    See our Instagram post here! Imagine a morning in the life of a 1930s Sacramento resident. Your journey begins outside your home on 25th and F where the ground floor is also home to a cafe with your favorite creamed chipped beef on toast, what a delectable indulgence. It’s a bit expensive, so you grab…

  • Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 1

    Transit Oriented Development in Sacramento: Part 1

    See our Instagram post here! “This morning I took public transit from my apartment in Alkali Flat to American River College. I usually swing by G Street Cafe for breakfast on the way to the Alkali Flat station. But today is Saturday and many downtown-serving restaurants are closed on weekends, so I decided to skip…

  • Strong Towns Can Help Sacramento Reach Climate Goals

    Strong Towns Can Help Sacramento Reach Climate Goals

    Global warming and habitat destruction are under way, and Sacramento is not immune. How can Strong Towns principles help change the equation?