Tag: City Council
Tell City Council: Don’t add cars to Truxel Bridge
We need your help to stop a roadway expansion that would dig Sacramento deeper in to debt and car-dependency!
Comment on the City’s Budget by June 11! Transparent budgeting and accounting starts with our voice.
The City of Sacramento is having their final hearing on their draft Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget on Tuesday, June 11. If you care about seeing funding for Strong SacTown’s goals, join us to make your comment by June 11!
Action Alert: Support Safe Roadways and Oppose Fare-Free Transit Cut at May 7 City Budget Meeting
Advocate for safer roadways and supporting transit in Sacramento! The City of Sacramento’s Budget & Audit Committee will discuss a pivotal proposal for the 2024-25 Budget.
Tell City Council on Mar. 12th that we support the ATC 2023 Recommendations!
ACTION ALERT! The 2023 Active Transportation Commission Recommendations are at risk of being overlooked by our City Council! These critical recommendations for funding and improving walkability, bikeability, and safety are on the City’s Consent Calendar on Tuesday, March 12th – meaning they aren’t required to be discussed by the council. We need these recommendations to…
Tell City Council on Nov. 28th to adopt important revisions to the 2040 General Plan!
Action Alert! Tell City Council to adopt 2 important revisions to the Draft 2040 General Plan that will enable transit-oriented development and better housing policy in Sac!
A short guide on getting started in your community
Fired up to start making change in your community, but don’t know where to start? Check out our short guide on 5 steps to get started.
How to make a public comment at a city meeting
Members of the public can make public comments at city meetings. These public comments are a critical way for residents to make their voices heard. We created this guide to make it easier for you to make a public comment and to engage in Sacramento’s legislative process!
Understanding the City of Sacramento’s bodies, major projects, and plans
Learn about the different City of Sacramento bodies and how to get civically engaged through the city so that you know what routes you need to take to get the change you want.