October Monthly Meeting

Our next monthly meeting is Thursday, October 5th @6PM at Old Soul at the Weatherstone, 812 21s St, on the outdoor patio.

Besides joining our meetings, here are some volunteer opportunities we need:

  • Strong SacTown blog posts – Have a Strong Towns related topic you’d like to share? We’d love to hear it, so write your story in approximately 800 words, and it may be  featured on our website.
  • Tactical Urbanism – Inspire residents to be involved with making changes to their community, focusing on small wins that make a big difference.
  • Parking Reform – want to work on getting rid of parking minimums? So do we! Work with like-minded people and the Parking Reform Network to get results in Sacramento. 
  • Tabling Events – we need suggestions and volunteers for events to table at and spread the word! 

Other events:

  • SMART Discussion Panel: Envisioning out Transportation Future – Wednesday, 9/27 at 5:30PM; Colonial Theater, 3522 Stockton Blvd
  • Missing Middle Workshop: Connecting the Dots – Wednesday, 10/4 at 4:30PM; CLTRE Club, 1409 16th St.