Join Civic Thread’s Rally for Safe Routes to School at the 8/22 City Council Meeting


The City of Sacramento is presenting its draft General Plan 2040 Update and Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP) at City Council on Tuesday, Aug. 22 at 5:00 pm. These are critical planning documents as they direct the City’s long-range policy guide for the future

Despite the City of Sacramento having the highest number of speed-related pedestrian fatalities under the age 15 of any city in California, no Safe Routes to School policies are explicitly included in the General Plan to ensure young people can safely walk, bike, and roll around their communities. Moreover, despite the City’s overreliance on fossil fuels and cars, the draft CAAP is not even close to ambitious in terms of carbon reduction goals.  
Civic Thread needs your help advocating for a healthier, safer, more equitable Sacramento. Never participated in a city council meeting virtually or in person before? We got you! Visit this link for responses to Frequently Asked Questions. Customizable templates for in-person or online comments can be found at this link. A separate template is included for students so councilmembers and planning staff can hear from youth directly on their first-hand experiences walking and biking to or around school. 

To encourage our young people to come out and support each other, we will be hosting a “General Plan Pizza Party and Pep Rally” at our office (909 12th St) and then walking over as a large group to City Hall (0.3 miles, 6 min. walk) before the council meeting starts at 5:00 pm. 

$25 Visa gift cards to the first 10 students who bring a friend or family member.

WHAT: Rally for Safe Routes to School @ City Council
WHEN: Tuesday, August 22nd, 2023
Meet at 3:30pm
Start walking to City Hall at 4:00pm
City Council meeting starts at 5:00pm
WHERE: Civic Thread office at 909 12th Street